Michael came home on Monday which has been so good, and such a relief for me. With our poor River hurting his paw it put a lot of pressure on me - lifting a 35kg sedated and sooky dog is hard!!!! And tiring! I was constantly looking after him which included several trips to the vets, trying to keep him relaxed after he came out of his overly reactive sedation, constant cleaning and putting betadine on his wound (which was a challenge in itself!!) as well as the medication rounds and trying to do everything I could to stop him having to wear the cone of shame (as worn by dug the dog in UP)!

I'm happy to say that River is on the mend and with Michael home things are feeling like they are coming back to some sense of normality. Indy is loving having him home too :)
We both booked yesterday off to spend some time together. Originally it was planned as a hot date, but we decided to save our $$$ and do some house research instead.
Well one thing led to another and the research turned into shopping! We bought a dishwasher!! It's my very first dishwashwer, actually I'm the first in my family to own one - I feel like a pioneer haha
So, here it is...... isn't it pretty!!!

It matches our fridge nicely, gets great reviews and of course we got it for an absolute steal, saving just over $1000 on it and coming in under budget.
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