Monday, March 1, 2010

Evening light

We went past our house this evening and I have to say it was an amazing experience.

One of the windows had been left wide open so naturally we had to get in to make sure it was locked safe and secure.

It was the first time we'd been inside during the evening since the white plaster had been done. WOW. The entire west side of the house was bathed in golden light. It was just amazing and I found myself loving our place even more than before.

The plaster work is amazing, so smooth and really well done. 

I'll stop gushing now and let the pictures talk!

The front living room:

Our bedroom and ensuite: 

One of the other bedrooms:

 Token dunny shot:
The rear end of the house, looking towards the front. One of my new favourite spots. 

And another photo of the outside render. It is still the only side of the house with the render work done... hopefully the front will be next!!  

We are booked in for our tiling meeting on Wednesday - YAY!!!! Really looking forward to that... 

Apparently the kitchen and bathrooms would be installed before then... which leaves tomorrow... We'll see, more updates to follow soon!

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